Kelvin Matter

Matter Management System Integration

Matter or case management systems typically form the keystone of a law firm or legal department's workflows. For law firms, the matter management system is the system of record for the primary business records of the firm; no matter how much work is done in DMS or time entry systems, almost all records must lead back to a matter number in a matter management system.

For legal departments, the matter management system is the system of record that drives the most high-visibility and high-risk work. While the degree to which internal work is tracked in the matter management system varies, nearly all work involving litigation or outside counsel is tracked in matter management systems.

Kelvin MMS is a data driver that allows users to easily integrate into whatever system is responsible for managing these matter records. While many organizations customize the objects and fields in their systems, Kelvin MMS is designed to make working with out-of-the-box or custom objects as easy as possible.


Status: Early Access Preview

Kelvin MMS is currently accepting limited participation in a Beta Partner program. Early Access Preview is targeted for Q2 2023. Current and future functionality is summarized in the table below:

Legal Tracker⚙️ In Progress
Elite 3E📅️ Roadmap
TeamConnect⚙️ In Progress5.0+
eCounsel⚙️ In Progress
Foundation⚙️ In Progress
CompuLaw⚙️ In Progress
Onit📅️ Roadmap
Intapp📅️ Roadmap
Brightflag📅️ Roadmap